Montville Views Issue 12 Week 3 Term 3 2023
Enrolments for 2024
Enrolments are now open for 2024!!
Please see the school website or, call into our administration office for enrolment packs.
From the Desk of the Principal
Welcome to another fortnight at Montville State School where our students Care for Themselves, Others and The Environment. We certainly have a lot going on at the moment and it is great to see all of our students working hard in class and learning.
Our Year 5/6 students have returned from the camp in Canberra and I must say that their behaviour and eagerness to learn was outstanding. I am often reminded how special the student group is here at Montville State School and the week away in Canberra has reaffirmed my opinion that the students here at Montville are of the highest calibre!
Our Kitchen and Garden lessons are humming along and Sophie and Mai have been appreciating the parent assistance. If you are available to assist on a Thursday or Friday please let us know.
Please be aware that the playground will now only be opened on a Friday afternoon until 3:10pm and will be closed Monday -Thursday after school. The expectation is that on these days the students will make their way up to the area outside A Block and wait respectfully for thier parents / caregivers to collect them at 2:45pm. Students that haven't been collected will then go to the library at 2:55pm to be collected from there.
School Opinion Survey links have just been emailed home. These are sent home from Education Queensland in order to find parents opinions in general about the school. I also am very keen to find out parents opinions regarding things such as areas for improvements, newsletter frequency, and P&C meeting days and times so I have made a quick survey about these things which can be accessed by clicking on the link . Please take a minute or two to complete the surveys to assist us continue to improve.
Finally, I want to say a huge thank you to Judy Bloom our Tuckshop convenor. Unfortunately, Judy is unwell at the moment and is unable to continue in this role. Judy has worked tirelessly, picking up the tuckshop convenor role and doing an amazing job. I want to wish Judy a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing her up and about soon.
Canberra Trip 2023
Students from our school have recently undertaken, an education tour of the national capital. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage, and democracy.
The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding of $90 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.
The $90 PACER has already been applied to reduce the camp cost to families and will be reimbursed to the school.
Parliament House
Prep Update
The prep class is continuing to work strongly as our routines are taking shape.
Maths is all about representing numbers differently and subitising.
When reading, looking for rhyming words is now becoming an obsession. The home reading program is being embraced by all and the students are proud of their progress.
Thank you parents/carers for your support with this and the high frequency words. As we are now testing the student’s high frequency words weekly, I am looking forward to see how the student’s progress.
Thank you
Craig Caswell
Year 1 Update
In year 1 we have been practicing measuring length and capacity using informal units in maths. The kids have been doing a great job and pretty much everything in our room has been measured. I have enjoyed seeing all students progress with their writing and loved listening to their cultural story retells.
You may have noticed the "old" overhead projector in the classroom; lots of fun has been had exploring light. Shadow puppets have been a hit.
Just a reminder for the kids to bring their green folder each day. This is to ensure notes go home safely and gives us opportunities to check high frequency words when we have our TA's in the classroom.
Thank you
Miss Sheree
Year 2 Update
Year two.
The year two class have been working hard on so many interrelated things this week. Talk about culminating activities!
We have been learning about different sources of light and integrating their science knowledge into their art activities.
Reading and following a recipe to make salt dough tea light creations. Multiple steps including measuring, mixing, moulding, baking, painting and sealing have gone into our final piece.
A huge thank you to Miss Salli and Miss Carly for helping the kids follow the procedure.
Miss Baker.
Year 3/4 Update
The year 3/4 students have settled in to term very well, We have been busy in the kitchen and are in the garden with Miss Sophie next Thursday 03/08.
Leanne and Suzanne
Year 5/6 Update
We had an amazing trip to Canberra, we were blown away with everyone's engagement. Everyone had a great time learning about Australian Democracy, deep space, engaging in STEM activities and of course 'hanging in the dorms'.
These are only a few pictures of our adventures. We have 100s!
While we were away the remaining members of our class worked on our class Frog Hotel! If you haven't been to check it out yet, come visit us at 5/6 we are hoping to have some friends living there soon.
As always well done 5/6 on an AMAZING start to Term 3. We are so proud of the leaders you all are.
Emily Smith
5/6 Classroom Teacher (Tues- Fri)
Kitchen Garden
The 3/4's had fun cooking egg fried rice, kale frittatas, a pumpkin curry and an indulgent chocolate carrot cake which they enjoyed sharing with their peers. Some seasonal produce was hand picked from the school garden.
Thank you to all the volunteers who came to help.
Miss Mai
Garden times are a great opportunity for the students to get outside and learn about where our food comes from and howe we grow it.
We love the interest the students show and they are very keen to learn every session
Miss Sophie
Book Club Issue 5 is now open please order online here orders are due in FRIDAY JULY 28TH
Montville Markets
Montville Markets Update - July
Our students continue to win and warm the hearts of our local community each month. The Fitzgerald and Watkins families lent both muscle (thank you DJ and Terry) and creativity (thank you Bec) to help the MVA Market Committee with pre-market preparations. With those beautiful smiles they ensured all cutlery was wrapped tightly and flower arrangements ready for the tables. The next day, the Keylar Clan had most of the market marvelling at the mini-library they had for sale at the Finders Keepers Stall. They proved themselves true mountain folk, as it was COLD, but their smiles were warm and welcoming.
The next market will be held on Saturday, 12th August. Please click on the following link (or copy it into your web browser if clicking doesn’t work) to go to the signup sheet and check out how you can get involved.
Montville Markets
Late arrivals /Early Departures
Late arrivals /Early Departures
It is a Education Queensland requirement that any student arriving late to school or leaving early is signed in or out through the office. If your child is getting to class after 9am they must sign in through the office. If they are leaving before the bell at 2.45pm they must be signed out through the office. Teachers cannot sign students in or out.
If students are being collected early they must be signed out by a person listed as an emergency contact on their school profile unless the school has been notified in writing of a casual person who may be picking them up. This can be by email or text.
By prior arrangement students can be waiting in the office to be collected. Students are not permitted to wait at the butterfly to be collected early, we have a duty of care to primary school students to make sure they are collected by an authorised person.
If you have an appointment to get to please allow enough time to attend the office and sign students out.
We will do our best to make the process as quick as possible.
Thank you for your support with this very important safety policy.
P&C News
Please support our P&C by ordering from the amazing new tuckshop menu below.