Montville Views Issue 13 Week 5 Term 3 2023
Enrolments for 2024
From the Desk of the Principal
Prep Update
Year 1 Update
Year 2 Update
Fathers Day Celebration (Prep- Year 2)
Year 3/4 Update
Year 5/6 Update
Maleny State High School Information Session
Kitchen Garden
Late arrivals /Early Departures
P&C News
Community Announcements
2023 Qld State School Calendar
Enrolments for 2024
Enrolments are now open for 2024!!
Please see the school website or, call into our administration office for enrolment packs.
From the Desk of the Principal
Welcome to another fortnight at Montville State School. This term has been flying along and all of our students have been busy in class Caring for Themselves, Others and the Environment.
Firstly, as you may have heard , Miss Sheree has been permanently appointed to Montville as of this week and will be our Prep teacher in 2024. Miss Sheree will get the chance to meet any prospective families at this term's Prep Open Day, tomorrow (Friday 11 Aug).
We have a lot of events coming up, this Weekend is the Rangebow Festival as well as the Montville Markets on Saturday. Our P&C have stalls at both events and if you are able to assist they would love your help. You can register to volunteer by clicking on the link (Markets) or contacting Jaqui for the Rangebow BBQ stall via email
We have dress up /free dress days over the next 3 Fridays. This Friday 11 August is a freedress day with a pyjama theme to raise money for our Year 6 students' graduation. Students are to bring a gold coin donation on the day.
Next Friday (18 August) is the National Day of Action Against Bullying and students are asked to wear Orange to recognise this important day. There is no need for a donation and students will be discussing Bullying in their classes on this day
Finally Book Week runs from 19-25 August and this year the theme is "Read, Grow, Inspire" we would love for the students to come dressed as a character from a book on Friday 25 August and we will be showing these off with a quick parade at 9:00 ( all parents and siblings welcome).
Prep Update
It has been a productive couple of weeks in Prep!
While the cooler weather continues to impact some, we are moving forward with our understanding of numbers and will soon get an opportunity to show what we have learnt.
The work and retention of the high frequency words remains a focus and in science we are looking at movement and properties of objects.
PMP and the garden have also been enjoyable activities that we have been involved in.
Thank you
Craig Caswell
Year 1 Update
The year 1's have been working hard on their story retells of 'The Cocky the Crow and the Hawk'. They will be sharing their retell with the class over the next few days.
Math lessons have been exciting, the kids have been solving problems using their maths knowledge and strategies to get the correct answer. During science we have been investigating sound, yes, lots of noise coming from our room this week.
Thank you to all our parents who share their spare time helping out in the classroom, kitchen and garden.
Every Monday morning high frequency words will be checked, please bring green folders every day.
This week we have garden on Thursday and kitchen on Friday, we love families helping so if you can spare some time, we will be very grateful.
Thank you
Miss Sheree
Year 2 Update
We have a lot going on in the year two classroom at the moment.
We are so grateful for the beautiful Miss Salli who has been working in the year two class as well as other classes. Miss Salli has finished working in the classrooms but she loves Montville so much she has decided to volunteer in the garden program.
We have been learning about the narrative structure and had Marg Gibbs, an author of children's books, come in for a wonderful workshop with the students.
We have been working hard in maths on learning about arrays and multiplication!
Go year two.
Miss Baker.
Fathers Day Celebration (Prep- Year 2)
Students from Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 are inviting dads to a special afternoon celebration on Thursday August 31st in the school hall starting at 1.45 pm.
Students from Years 3 to 6 will be representing Montville SS at Small Schools Oztag
Year 3/4 Update
Sophie and Mr. Pete have been very busy preparing the vegetable garden beds this term. We had a fine day last Thursday and Year 3/4 had a lovely time helping out.
The students were busy weeding, preparing beds, helping Mr. Pete build protective covers, dividing and planting seedlings. Look out for the onions and leeks that we planted!
Leanne and Suzanne
Year 5/6 Update
The 5/6 class has had a busy week working on Math and English assessments.
In Science they have been conducting experiments around light. We have also been having a lot of fun of course too! Check out our video of 'Noddle drumming', we are still working on our skills but having a great time as we go.
Emily Smith
5/6 Classroom Teacher (Tues- Fri)
Maleny State High School Information Session
Representitives from Maleny SHS will be visiting Montville State School from 8:00 to 9:00am on Tuesday 15th August. If you would like to attend please meet in the northern end of the 5/6 classroom.
Enrolment packs will be distributed to families at this time.
Kitchen Garden
KITCHEN: The year 5's have had a very busy day in the kitchen, not only making mouthwatering dishes for their class but also treats for the upcoming Montville markets.
Oranges kindly donated by the local community have been turned into sweet orange marmalade and dehydrated oranges to sell on the morning of 12th August.
Students thoroughly enjoyed the experience of creating something different. A big thank you to everyone who volunteered and contributed to this big task!
Miss Mai
GARDEN: Thank you eveyone for a very successful Feed the Soil Day last term!
We all got a chance to help out feed the worms and the soil. We put some mushroom compost and sugarcane mulch in the raised garden beds.
On the paths, we put some cardboard down and then woodchips. The lucky students who won the worm finding competition got to name some of the garden beds: Worm Heaven, Worm City and Worm Land ! We will be making signs soon.
We are starting to plant some seedlings in the garden. Keep a look out for these new babies!
A special thank you to Ben from Palmwoods Mushrooms for the compost, Karen and Owen from Earthsong for the seedlings, Jason from Maleny Realty for the corflu signs, Palmwood Rural Supplies for delivering the mulch for us, and all the families who came along to give a hand and also to the homegrown mandarines - yum!
You can find us in the garden on Thursdays :)
Sophie 🌱
Look how our gardens have grown!!!
You may not be aware but just outside the computer room there is a yellow shelf we call our ‘book box’.
It’s a little library where you don’t need a special card to borrow books, they are free!!
Also if you have any books you don’t want you can donate them. We would love it if you took a few books home. We want as many students reading as possible, reading is awesome!
Please remember to keep the book box tidy and leave our messages on the whiteboard.
Thank you!
Maggie and Rosie, Library Captains.
Late arrivals /Early Departures
Late arrivals /Early Departures
It is a Education Queensland requirement that any student arriving late to school or leaving early is signed in or out through the office. If your child is getting to class after 9am they must sign in through the office. If they are leaving before the bell at 2.45pm they must be signed out through the office. Teachers cannot sign students in or out.
If students are being collected early they must be signed out by a person listed as an emergency contact on their school profile unless the school has been notified in writing of a casual person who may be picking them up. This can be by email or text.
By prior arrangement students can be waiting in the office to be collected. Students are not permitted to wait at the butterfly to be collected early, we have a duty of care to primary school students to make sure they are collected by an authorised person.
If you have an appointment to get to please allow enough time to attend the office and sign students out.
We will do our best to make the process as quick as possible.
Thank you for your support with this very important safety policy.
P&C News
A big Thank you to Judy Bloom who has been our Tuckshop Convenor and has recently resigned from the post. We would like to thank Judy for all her work.
Emma Secomb has taken over as convenor, thank you Emma! There have been some changes to the menu which can be seen below on the Montville SS Tuckshop Menu.
Thank you to all our families for supporting this valuable fundraiser for our P&C. Orders can be made online (preferred) at or by filing in an order form and paying by cash in the office.